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The Spazio Brazzà Museum


The Spazio Brazzà museum center was inaugurated on 30 September 2011 and includes both the History Museum of  Pietro Brazza of Savorgnan and the Å tÄ›pán ZavÅ™el Art Museum.


The Historical Museum is dedicated to the Great-Uncle of Corrado Pirzio-Biroli, the explorer Pietro di Brazza Savorgnan, who founded Congo Brazzaville in Africa. The exhibit includes a painted mural outside the museum of Pietro's expeditions as well as a fascinating collection of African artwork. There are also exhibits showcasing the lives of other family members, including Corrado's grandfather Ulrich von Hassell (a figure of German resistance during the Second World War) Cora Slocomb, Alfred von Tirpitz, Giacomo di Brazzà Savorgnan and Fey von Hassell.


The Art Museum is dedicated to the Czech artist (Prague), Å tÄ›pán ZavÅ™el, author of illustrated books in various languages ​​and published all over the world. He was a great friend of Corrado and after his death, the family left everything to the museum. The museum deals with research on the artist and devising cultural projects for children ( In Italy and Internationally). The Museum, with the International Center for Culture Studies for Children Å tÄ›pán ZavÅ™el deals with the editorial project of reprinting ZavÅ™el's books and designs and organizes activities and special events that accompany the published books.

Opening hours

The Spazio Brazzà museum remains closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

We will update when we have news about reopening.

Please contact us for more information.

  Open by appointment only

345 39 11 907 


For information on museum activities and special projects regarding the artist Stepan Zavrel,please contact:



+39 328 35 88 112

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